XXXIV International (ONLINE) Workshop on High Energy Physics "From Quarks to Galaxies: Elucidating Dark Sides"

Roman Riutin (IHEP), Vladimir Petrov (IHEP)

Logunov Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Moscow region, Russia) of  National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" is organizing the XXXIV International (ONLINE) Workshop on High Energy Physics “From Quarks to Galaxies: Elucidating Dark Sides”, November 22-24, 2022.

The purpose of this Workshop is to highlight and review the most pressing problems in gravitation and cosmology, hadrons physics associated with QCD, general quantum field theory and also relevant historical, philosophical and methodological aspects, to get fresh information on progress in these fields and to provide an active discussion both of results and problems.

To this end a 1-hour discussion session after each section of talks with a summary from the discussion leader will be arranged.

 Dear Colleagues,

We kindly ask you to submit the abstract of your talk (at least in a condensed form) via this web-page (or via e-mail, in case of problems).

This would help us to arrange the program and the corresponding discussions in advance.

Topics to be discussed

  • Gravitation & Cosmology
  • QCD and related topics
  • General Quantum Field Theory
  • History, philosophy, methodology of QFT, QCD, gravitation and cosmology

Wishes to speakers

  • As one can see from the program, our Workshop concerns various fields sometimes very different from each other, both conceptually and in technical terminology.
  • That is why we would like to avoid excessive diversification and to try to preserve to a certain extent the unity of the high energy physics community.
  • In this regard, we would like to ask all speakers, if possible, to kindly avoid, if possible, details that are understandable only to a narrow circle of deeply involved experts  and to make the presentation simpler and clearer (thus more interesting!)  to a wider circle of participants.
  • We also believe that it would be of great importance to give, at least in a concise way, the conceptual motivation of your subject.

   We are aware that this task can be rather difficult, so in no way the above wishes are mandatory and  every speaker is, certainly, free to deliver her/his talk according to  her/his own desire and convenience.

Wishes to discussion leaders

  • It is assumed that each session will end with a general discussion (near one hour).
  • The discussion is led by the discussion leader.
  • The first part is assumed to be devoted to additional questions which bear a conceptual character, which are collected by technical coordinators and then sent to the discussion leader. It is meant that during the talk time only technical short questions not bearing a conceptual character are admitted.  This is regulated by the chairperson.
  • In the second part the discussion leader is asked to give a brief summary of the session's reports and a brief description of the most important unresolved problems related to the topic of the session.
  • The allocation of time for discussion and summary is  left to the discretion of the discussion leader.

Advisory committee

N. Achasov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
A. Andrianov (Physical Faculty, Saint Petersburg State University)
I. Arefieva (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
I. Dremin (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow)
A. Kataev (INR, Moscow)
A. Likhoded (Logunov IHEP, Protvino)
V. Savrin (Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
O. Teryaev (JINR, Dubna)
A. Zakharov (National Research Nuclear University, Moscow)
V. Zakharov (Alikhanov ITEP, Moscow)

Structure of the workshop

Two sessions with 4-5 invited review talks of 40 minutes duration and 5 minutes for questions and debates of a current character after each talk will be arranged every day. After every session one hour will be devoted to moderated open discussion of relevant general problems. Only registered participants can follow the sessions and take part in the discussions.

The session summaries are envisaged to be placed jointly in the arXiv (hep-ph).

Proceedings of the workshop will be published in Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna)

The talks will be recorded and uploaded on the internet.


  • November 21, 2022 - end of registration
  • November 14, 2022 - end of abstract submission
  • November 19, 2022 - end of presentation submission
  • November 22, 2022 - start of the Workshop


Participation with review talks is by invitation of the Organizing Committee.

In the case of a proactive request the decision is made by the Organizing Committee.                                 

The sessions will be online by appropriate software.

There is no registration fee.

  • Aamir Rashid
  • Ajay Kumar Rai
  • Alaka pramod Kizhakkekkara Vadakkoot
  • Aleksei Popov
  • Alexander Kisselev
  • Alexander Krutov
  • Alexander Razumov
  • Alexander Zakharov
  • Alexandr Biryukov
  • Alexandre Zaitsev
  • Alexei Martynenko
  • Alexei Starobinsky
  • Alexey Myagkov
  • Alfiia Mukhaeva
  • Anatoly Kotikov
  • Anatoly Sokolov
  • Andrei Kataev
  • Andrei Uzunyan
  • Andrey Grozin
  • Aniruddha Vibhute
  • Anton Godizov
  • Anton Shumakov
  • Artem Okhotnikov
  • Artem Popov
  • Atsushi Nakamura
  • Bhavya Soni
  • boris ivetic
  • Bruce Mellado
  • Carlos Saavedra Wagner
  • Chandni Menapara
  • Daniel Frolovsky
  • Dina Stoyanova
  • Dmitry Gorbunov
  • Dmitry Kazakov
  • Eduardo Guendelman
  • Ekaterina Izotova
  • Ekaterina Kriukova
  • enrique alvarez
  • Evgeniy Berdnikov
  • Evgeniy Gudkov
  • Federico Lelli
  • Garima Punetha
  • Gary W. Pearson
  • Gauri Devi
  • George Japaridze
  • Georgy Prokhorov
  • Germano D'Abramo
  • Gianpietro Summa
  • Hamza Jahangir
  • Harshit Singhal
  • Igor Vasilyev
  • Inna Karataeva
  • Iqbal Mohi Ud Din
  • Irina Levchenko
  • Irina Аref'eva
  • J. Brian Pitts
  • Joseph Saji
  • Juhi Oudichhya
  • Kaushal Purohit
  • Konstantin Klimenko
  • Konstantiv Postnov
  • Laszlo Jenkovszky
  • Lekhashri Konwar
  • Maksim Nekrasov
  • Maria Paola Lombardo
  • Mariya Ostashova
  • Maxim Khlopov
  • Miguel Rosas
  • Mikhail Shapkin
  • Mikhail Volkov
  • Mohammed Hashim Albashir
  • Natalia Kolomoyets
  • Nick Tkachenko
  • Nikita Kolganov
  • Nikolay Achasov
  • Nikolay Achasov
  • Nikolay Krasnikov
  • Nikolay Volchanskiy
  • Nischal Shrestha
  • Oleg Teryaev
  • Piyush Joshi
  • Piyush Verma
  • Prajwal Hassan Puttasiddappa
  • Pranaba Nayak
  • Prashant Choudhary
  • Prokopii Anempodistov
  • Quratulain zahoor
  • Radmir Zhumaev
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Rameez Ahmad Parra
  • Rodion Khrabrov
  • Rohit Gupta
  • Rohit Tiwari
  • Roman Rogalyov
  • Roman Ryutin
  • Roman Zhokhov
  • Ruslan Abramchuk
  • Sahil Arora
  • Sergei Denisov
  • Sergei Slabospitskii
  • Sergey Evdokimov
  • Sergey Mikhailov
  • Sergey Troshin
  • Serj Aristarkhov
  • Serj Аristarhov
  • shaikh zameer
  • Shankar Naragund
  • Shreecheta Chowdhury
  • Shubhi Aggarwal
  • Shubhi Aggarwal
  • Simon Lyakhovich
  • Simran Agrawal
  • Suman Kumar Panja
  • Susanta Ghosh
  • Swapnil Singh
  • Tahir Munir
  • Tamaz Khunjua
  • Tanmay -
  • Uruj Abroo
  • Vaibhav Kalvakota
  • Valentin Zakharov
  • Valeri Evdokimov
  • Valery Bryzgalov
  • Victor Braguta
  • Victor Molokoedov
  • Victoria Abakumova
  • Viktor Krym
  • vishnu rajagopal
  • Vitalii Okorokov
  • Vitaly Bornyakov
  • Vladimir Anikeev
  • Vladimir Goryachev
  • Vladimir Pastushenko
  • Vladimir Petrov
  • Vladimir Soloviev
  • Xiao-Song Wang
  • Yunyun Fan
  • Yuri Kharlov
  • Zakhar Khaidukov
  • Андрей Манько
  • Василий Сахаров
  • Владимир Самойленко
  • Глеб Жеглов
  • Евгений Козловский
  • Сергей Ерин
  • Сергей Холоденко
    • Morning session 22/11/2022
      • 1
        Opening address
      • 2
        Valery Rubakov and Contemporary status of cosmology
        Speaker: Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS (Moscow))
      • 3
        Contemporary status of inflation

        At the present state-of-the-art, the simplest inflationary models, based either on scalar fields in General Relativity or on modified f(R) gravity, which produce the best fit to all existing observational data, require only one dimensionless parameter taken from observations. These models include the pioneer $R+R^2$ one [1], the Higgs model, and the mixed $R^2$-Higgs model that has been shown to be effectively one-parameter, too [2]. They predict scale-free and close to scale-invariant power spectra of primordial scalar perturbations and gravitational waves generated during inflation. Their target prediction for the tensor-to-scalar ratio is $r=3(1 - n_s)^2 = 0.004$. The difference between these models is in their post-inflationary behaviour which becomes especially interesting and complicated in the mixed R2-Higgs case [3,4]. Still future observations, in particular discovery of primordial black holes, may prove that the primordial scalar power spectrum has additional local peaks what requires at least two new parameters. I discuss mechanisms to produce such features including the recently proposed one which arise in many-field inflation with a large non-minimal kinetic term of an inflaton field leaving inflation before its end [5]. In this case, in addition to PBHs, small-scale secondary gravitational waves are generated, too. As for local non-scale-free features at cosmological scales, the present CMB data do not favor them, but are not able to exclude them completely [6].

        1. A. A. Starobinsky. Phys. Lett. B 91, 99 (1980).
        2. M. He, A. A. Starobinsky, J. Yokoyama. JCAP 1805, 064 (2018); arXiv:1804.00409.
        3. M. He, R. Jinno, K. Kamada, S. C. Park, A. A. Starobinsky, J. Yokoyama. Phys. Lett. B 791, 36 (2019); arXiv:1812.10099.
        4. M. He, R. Jinno, K. Kamada, A. A. Starobinsky, J. Yokoyama. JCAP 2101, 066 (2021); arXiv:2007.10369.
        5. M. Braglia, D. K. Hazra, F. Finelli, G. F. Smoot, L. Sriramkumar, A. A. Starobinsky. JCAP 2008, 001 (2020); arXiv:2005.02895.
        6. D. K. Hazra, D. Paoletti, I. Debono, A. Shafieloo, G. F. Smoot, A. A. Starobinsky, JCAP 2112, 038 (2021); arXiv:2107.09460.
        Speaker: Prof. Alexey Starobinsky (Landau ITP, Chernogolovka, Russia)
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee break
      • 4
        Gravitational wave astronomy and its implications for cosmology
        Speaker: Prof. Konstantin Postnov (SAI MSU & Kazan Fed. U., Russia)
      • 5
        Trajectories of bright stars and shadows near supermassive black holes as tests of gravity theories

        Observations of bright near the Galactic Center give an opportunity to test GR predictions but also to constrain alternative gravity parameters, in particular, to limit graviton mass for the case of massive gravity theories.
        Due to an expected progress of observational facilities Zakharov et al. (2005a) proposed to use global and ground – space VLBI observations in mm band to detect a shadow at Sgr A$^*$ to use it as a tool to evaluate a black hole spin and a position angle of distant observer. In particular, it was predicted that the shadow diameter is around 52 μas for the Sgr A$^*$ case and this prediction was remarkably confirmed by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration on 12 May 2022. Also Zakharov et al. (2005b) showed that a black hole charge may be evaluated from shadow observations. Zakharov (2014) generalized these relations for the tidal charge case. In 2019 the EHT Collaboration reconstructed shadows at M87$^*$ in 2019 and at Sgr A$^*$ in 2022. As it was shown by Zakharov (2022) black hole charge may be found analytically from these observations.


        Zakharov A. F. et al., New Astronomy 10, 479 (2005a)
        Zakharov A. F. et al., A & A 442, 795 (2005b)
        Zakharov A. F. , PRD 90, 062007 (2014)
        Zakharov A. F. , Universe 8, 141 (2022)

        Speaker: Alexander Zakharov (ITEP, Moscow)
      • 6
        Discussion 1 (discussion leader D.S. Gorbunov)
    • 12:50 PM
    • Afternoon session 22/11/2002
      • 7
        BSM physics and cosmology
        Speaker: M.Yu. Khlopov (Rostov-on-Don/Moscow/Paris)
      • 8
        Higgs-scalaron inflation
        Speaker: Prof. Dmitry Gorbunov (Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 3:10 PM
        Coffee break
      • 9
        Search for light dark matter. NA64 experiment
        Speaker: Dr Nikolay Krasnikov (INR, Moscow)
      • 10
        Interpretation of galaxy rotational curves

        After more than 40 years of observational, experimental, and theoretical efforts, the nature of dark matter (DM) remains unknown. In this talk I will review the observational status of the DM paradigm on galaxy scales. Remarkably, the rotation curves of disk galaxies reveal a close link between baryons' distribution and observed dynamics, which can be expressed by a set of empirical laws akin to Kepler's laws for planetary systems. A tight baryon-DM coupling is unexpected in the standard LCDM paradigm. To reproduce such coupling, either the galaxy formation process must be very fine-tuned or the DM particle must somehow interact with baryons beyond standard gravity. Intriguingly, the empirical laws of galactic rotation were predicted a-priori by Milgrom's Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), which alters Newton's laws at low accelerations (weak gravitational fields) rather than adding particle DM. One possible way to distinguish between particle DM and MOND is the so-called external field effect, which results from the breakdown of the Strong Equivalence Principle in the MOND regime. I will describe recent efforts to test the MOND external field effect and discuss other possible tests to distinguish between the two paradigms.

        Speaker: Federico Lelli (INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory)
      • 11
        Discussion 2 (discussion leader Yu.M. Zinoviev)
    • Evening session 22/11/2022
      • 12
        Unimodular gravity
        Speaker: Prof. Enrique Alvarez (ift-UAM/CSIC)
      • 13
        Massive gravity theories and Higgs mechanism for gravity
        Speaker: mikhail volkov
      • 14
        Life of the homogeneous and isotropic universe in dynamical string tension theories

        Cosmological solutions are studied in the context of the modified
        measure formulation of string theory , then the string tension is a
        dynamical variable and the string the tension is an additional dynamical
        degree of freedom and its value is dynamically generated. These tensions
        are then not universal, rather each string generates its own tension
        which can have a different value for each of the string world sheets and
        in an ensemble of strings. The values of the tensions can have a certain
        dispersion in the ensemble. We consider a new background field that can
        couple to these strings, the “tension scalar” which is capable of
        changing locally along the world sheet and then the value of the tension
        of the string changes accordingly. When many types of strings probing
        the same region of space are considered this tension scalar is
        constrained by the requirement of quantum conformal invariance. For the
        case of two types of strings probing the same region of space with
        different dynamically generated tensions, there are two different
        metrics, associated to the different strings. Each of these metrics have
        to satisfy vacuum Einstein’s equations and the consistency of these two
        Einstein’s equations determine the tension scalar. The universal metric,
        common to both strings generically does not satisfy Einstein’s equation
        . The two string dependent metrics considered here are flat space in
        Minkowski space and Minkowski space after a special conformal
        transformation. The limit where the two string tensions are the same is
        studied, it leads to a well defined solution. If the string tension
        difference between the two types of strings is very small but finite,
        the approximately homogeneous and isotropic cosmological solution lasts
        for a long time, inversely proportional to the string tension difference
        and then the homogeneity and and isotropy of the cosmological disappears
        and the solution turns into an expanding braneworld where the strings
        are confined between two expanding bubbles separated by a very small
        distance at large times. The same principle is applied to the static end
        of the universe wall solution that lasts a time inversely proportional
        to the dispersion of string tensions. This suggest a scenario where
        quantum fluctuations of the cosmological or static solutions induce the
        evolution towards braneworld scenarios and decoherence between the
        different string tension states.

        Speaker: Prof. Eduardo Guendelman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel)
      • 15
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Soloviev (IHEP, Protvino)
      • 16
        Discussion 3 (discussion leader A.F. Zakharov) )
    • 8:30 PM
      Welcome party
    • Morning session 23/11/2022
      • 17
        Dense quark matter: effective model approach

        Dense quark matter has been under debate for more than 40 years. This kind of matter appears in heavy-ion collision experiments and could exist in some types of compact stars. Its fundamental theory is quantum chromodynamics (QCD). But as a consequence of the asymptotic freedom, the perturbative technique is not applicable to investigate the condensed quarks (long-range phenomenon).
        There are two approaches to investigating dense quark matter. QCD on the lattice and effective field theories (EFT). The first one is a potent numerical tool from the first principles. But due to the sign problem, it can’t describe the region of the QCD phase diagram with non-zero density and low temperature. So to achieve this region, EFT is the most common tool.
        Although the EFT method has been developed for several decades, it is still commonly applied and developing.
        We will review the milestones of EFT as a tool for investigating dense quark matter, especially the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model and its applications.

        Speaker: Dr Tamaz Khunjua
      • 18
        Holography approach to QCD

        Magnetic properties of quark-gluon plasma within holographic approach are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the different behavior of holographic models for heavy and light quarks.

        Speaker: Prof. Irina Aref'eva (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee break
      • 19
        Phases of Strong Interactions: the lattice approach

        Quantum Chromodynamics has a rich phase structure which can be explored
        by formulating the theory in a discrete space-time -- the lattice. We will give a general overview of the phase structure in the space spanned by the number of flavours, quark masses, temperature and chemical potentials of conserved charges. We will focus on the physical case: in particular we will discuss the region explored by ultra relativistic heavy ion; and the higher temperatures, up to the freeze-out of the hypothesised QCD axion. We will examine critically the limitations of the lattice approach, and discuss current strategies to overcome them. Finally, we will briefly elaborate on QCD-like theories as a possible paradigm for Beyond Standard Model physics.

        Speaker: Maria Paola Lombardo
      • 20
        Heavy-ion physics at LHC

        Overview of recent experimental QCD measurements at LHC will be presented.

        Speaker: Yuri Kharlov (IHEP)
      • 21
        Discussion 4 (discussion leader - A. Nakamura)
    • 1:15 PM
    • Afternoon session 23/11/2022
      • 22
        Four-Quark Nature of Light Scalar Mesons

        It is shown that all predictions for the light scalars, based on their four-quark nature, are supported by experiment. The future research program is outlined also.

        Speaker: Prof. Nikolay Achasov (S.L. Sobolev Institute for Mathematics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia)
      • 23
        New searches in the ATLAS experiment
        Speaker: Dr Alexey Myagkov (IHEP, Protvino)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break
      • 24
        Representation of the RG-invariant quantities in perturbative QCD through powers of the conformal anomaly

        We consider the possibility of representing the perturbative series for renormalization group invariant quantities in QCD in the form of their decomposition in powers of the conformal anomaly $\beta(\alpha_s)/\alpha_s$ in the \msbar-scheme. We remind that such expansion is possible for the Adler function of the process of $e^+e^-$ annihilation into hadrons and the Bjorken polarized sum rule for the deep-inelastic electron-nucleon scattering, which are both related by the Crewther-Broadhurst-Kataev relation. In addition, we study the cases of the static quark-antiquark Coulomb-like potential, its relation with the quantity defined by the cusp anomalous dimension and the Bjorken unpolarized sum rule of neutrino-nucleon scattering. The arguments in favor of the validity of the considered representation are given.

        Speaker: Prof. Andrey Kataev (INR, Moscow)
      • 25
        Fractional Analytic QCD for space-like and time-like processes

        A review of the main elements of (fractional) analytical QCD is
        presented. The main part of the review is focused on the introduction of the Shirkov-Solovtsov and Bakulev-Mikhailov-Stefanis approaches and their recent extension beyond the leading order of perturbation theory. We present various representations in Euclidean and Minkowski spaces,
        details of their construction and show their applicability.

        Speaker: Dr Anatoli Kotikov (JINR)
      • 26
        Chiral effects in QCD and other theories

        We report on some non-trivial results in the domain of chiral transport, that have been recently obtained, and that seems to us today to be significant. We pay considerable attention to the relationship between chiral effects and corresponding anomalies. We show non-universality of this dependence using examples of chiral separation and chiral vortical effects.

        Speaker: Dr Zakhar Khaidukov (NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow)
      • 27
        Discussion 5 (discussion leader O.V. Teryaev)
    • Morning session 24/11/2022
      • 28
        Chiral effects: an update
        Speaker: Dr Valentin Zakharov (Institute o Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
      • 29
        RG Equations in Non-renormalizable Theories

        We construct the RG equations for the scattering amplitudes and effective potential
        In a a set of non-renormalizable theories. We show that they are a consequence of locality
        rather than multiplicative renormalizability. These RG equations sum up the leading log terms
        in all orders of PT and allow one to explore the high energy/field behaviour.

        Speaker: Prof. Dmitry Kazakov (JINR)
      • 30
        Unfree gauge symmetry

        The gauge symmetry is said unfree if the gauge transformation leaves the action
        functional unchanged provided for the gauge parameters are constrained by the system of partial
        differential equations. The best known example of this phenomenon is the volume preserving
        diffeomorphism being the gauge symmetry of unimodular gravity (UG). Various extensions are
        known of the UG, including the higher spin analogs – all with unfree gauge symmetry. In this
        talk, we begin with noticing the common features shared by all the known examples of unfree
        gauge symmetry. In particular, all these field theories admit ``global conserved quantities’’ that
        are unrelated to any conserved local current. The simplest example is the cosmological constant
        in the UG, We find previously unknown higher spin analogs of Lambda. After this empirical
        introduction, we work out the structure relations of algebra of general unfree gauge symmetry. It
        turns out that the existence of the global conserved quantities originates from this algebra, being
        in a sense modification of the second Noether theorem for the case of unfree gauge symmetry.
        Proceeding from the unfree gauge symmetry algebra we deduce the modification of the Faddeev-
        Popov quantization rules accounting for the operators of gauge parameter constraints. Also the
        BV-BRST field-antifield formalism is modified to account for the unfree gauge symmetry. The
        unfree gauge symmetry is also considered from the perspective of constrained Hamiltonian
        formalism. The structure functions are identified in the involution ralations such that are
        responsible for the equations imposed on the gauge parameters. Hamiltonian BFV-BRST
        formalism is adjusted to account for the gauge parameter constraints.

        Speaker: Prof. Simon Lyakhovich (Tomsk State University, Russia)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break
      • 31
        Screw calculus: from machinery to twistors

        Wrenches and twists are considered as generalizations of the concepts of force and angular velocity, respectively, and the corresponding mathematical formalism is reviewed. Manifolds of forces or angular velocities that naturally emerge in the screw theory are compared with the Grassmann manifold associated with the Penrose twistor space.

        Speaker: Roman Rogalyov (IHEP, Protvino)
      • 32
        New Wine in an Old Bottle? Surprise with Angular Momentum

        We analyzed mathematical conditions that are used in obtaining the eigenvalue spectrum of the orbital angular momentum operator in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. As it turns out, if one retains only those conditions that are the mathematical realization of physical requirements, the eigenvalue spectrum is discrete, admitting integer, as well as non-integer eigenvalues. Relation for the eigenvalues reads |m| = L - k, where L is the eigenvalue of the square of the angular momentum operator, m is the eigenvalue of the third component of the angular momentum operator and k are the integers that do not contradict the non-negativity of |m|. The eigenfunctions corresponding to this spectrum, form an orthonormalized basis and the Hilbert space of physical states can be constructed through them. As an auxiliary task, the uniqueness of the exponential function of the complex variable and its invariance with regard of axes rotations at 2π was considered. It is shown that the well-known Euler-De Moivre prescription used to define the power function of the complex variable as a single-valued function is just one of the special cases for unambiguously determining power function with the non-integer exponent, spontaneously breaking invariance of the initial expression with regard rotations at 2π for non-integer exponents. We present another prescription for uniquely defining power function of the complex variable in the framework of which the rotational invariance is preserved for integer as well as non-integer exponents.
        Main point is that from quantum mechanics it does not follow that the eigenvalues of the angular momentum operator are necessarily integer.

        Speaker: Koba Turashvili
      • 33
        Evolution of a Quantum System: New Results.

        A description of the evolution of a quantum system is considered. Within the framework of the path integration method, the probability of a system transition between quantum states is determined as a double functional integral of a real functional. Its interpretation from the point of view of probability theory is given. The transition probability is the sum of the probabilities of pairwise joint random events (virtual trajectories between states). A model of quantum processes in the extended space of random joint events is proposed. Within the framework of the proposed model, the probability of a system transition is represented by a series of twofold, threefold, etc. integrals of real functionals of joint event trajectories. The expression coincides with the transition probability in quantum theory if only pairwise joint random trajectories are taken into account in the model.

        Speaker: Prof. Biryukov Alexandr (Samara State University of Railway Transport.)
      • 34
        Discussion 6 (discussion leader O.V. Teryaev)
    • 2:05 PM
    • Afternoon session 24/11/2022
      • 35
        Mass–energy connection without special relativity

        In 1905, Einstein gave his first derivation of the mass-energy equivalence by studying, in different reference frames, the energy balance of a body emitting electromagnetic radiation and assuming special relativity as a prerequisite. In this presentation, I reassess the logical soundness of Einstein's approach and the validity of one assumption crucial for the derivation (that has nothing to do with special relativity). If we accept that assumption as valid, the essence (but not the formula) of the mass-energy equivalence can be derived without the need for special relativity or any full-fledged physical theory. However, the assumption is unsupported from a physical viewpoint, and its use makes Einstein's 1905 derivation circular. I also show why the widely received interpretation of E=mc^2 (i.e., every kind of energy has a mass and vice versa) is problematic.

        Speaker: Prof. Germano D'Abramo (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca)
      • 36
        Covariant dynamics on the momentum space

        A geometrical interpretation of Schrödinger's kinetic and potential energy operators is proposed, allowing for a covariant momentum space formulation of the dynamics that is relevant for the theories with the generalization of the geometry of the momentum space. Some specific examples are discussed in the context of Euclidean Snyder (spherical momentum space) model. In this formulation the dynamics for different versions of the Snyder model turn out to be dynamically equivalent.
        Furthermore, a scalar field theory is constructed on an energy-momentum background of constant curvature. The generalization of the usual Feynamn rules for the flat geometry follows from the requirement of their covariance. The main result is that the invariant amplitudes are finite at all orders of the perturbation theory, due to the finitness of the momentum space. Finally, the relation with a field theory in spacetime representation is briefly discussed.

        Speaker: boris ivetic
      • 37
        Relativity Theory: Genesis and Completion

        This a concise survey of both the first pioneering ideas in the beginning of formation of the Relativity Theory (2nd half of the XIXth century) and its conceptual and essential completion in 1910s .

        Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Petrov (IHEP, Protvino)
      • 4:55 PM
        Coffee break
      • 38
        Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and Particle Trajectories

        In this talk I will critically analyse W. Heisenberg's arguments
        against the ontology of point particles following trajectories in
        quantum theory, presented in his famous 1927 paper and in his Chicago lectures (1929). Along the way, we will clarify the meaning of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation and help resolve some confusions related to it.

        Speaker: Prof. S. Aristarkhov (Berlin)
      • 39
        Ether is alive! New derivation of the cosmological constant

        General theory of relativity (GR) can be regarded as a phenomenological theory because there are no mediums in GR. Einstein's equations is a basic assumption in GR. Many attempts to reconcile the theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics by using the techniques in quantum electrodynamics failed. Therefore, it seems that new considerations on the ether theories of gravitation is needed. Since Newton's law of gravitation was published in 1687, this action-at-a-distance theory was criticized by the French Cartesian. Sir I. Newton pointed out that his inverse-square law of gravitation did not touch on the mechanism of gravitation. He tried to obtain a derivation of his law based on Descartes' scientific research program. At last, he proved that Descartes' vortex ether hypothesis could not explain celestial motions properly. Newton himself even suggested an explanation of gravity based on the action of an etherial medium pervading the space. In the years 1905-1916, Einstein abandoned the concepts of ether. However, H. A. Lorentz believed that GR could be reconciled with the concept of an ether at rest and wrote a letter to A. Einstein. Einstein changed his view later and introduced his new concept of ether. In order to compare fluid motions with electric fields, J. C. Maxwell introduced an analogy between source or sink flows and electric charges. B. Riemann speculates that that space is filled with a substance which continually flows into ponderable atoms, and vanishes there from the world of phenomena, the corporeal world. H. Poincar$\acute{e}$ also suggests that matters may be holes in fluidic ether. A. Einstein and L. Infeld think that what impresses our senses as matter is really a great concentration of energy into a comparatively small space. They regard matter as the regions in space where the field is extremely strong. We suppose that the universe may be filled with a kind of fluid which may be called the $\Omega(0)$ substratum, or we say the gravitational ether. Particles are modeled as sink flows in the $\Omega(0)$ substratum. Thus, Newton's inverse-square law of gravitation is derived by methods of hydrodynamics based on a sink flow model of particles. Generalized Einstein's equations in Fock coordinate systems are derived. If the field is weak and the reference frame is quasi-inertial, these generalized Einstein's equations reduce to Einstein's equations. For convenience, we may call these theories as the theory of vacuum mechanics (VM). The Einstein's equations are rigorous in GR. In VM, however, they are only valid approximately under three conditions. Another feature of VM is that the gravitational constant and masses of particles are variable with time and position in space. In 1990-1999 two groups discovered the cosmic vacuum, or dark energy, by studying remote supernova explosions. They discovered that some high redshift supernovae appeared fainter and thus more distant than they should be in a gravitationally decelerating universe. This discovery gives the first indication that the universe is accelerating. A possible explanation is that vacuum may contain some kind of ethers which behave like Einstein's antigravity cosmological constant. Lord Kelvin believed that the electromagnetic ether must also generate gravity. Presently, we have no methods to determine the density of the electromagnetic ether, or we say the $\Omega(1)$ substratum. Thus, we also suppose that vacuum is filled with another kind of continuously distributed substance, which may be called the $\Omega(2)$ substratum. Thus, the cosmological constant is calculated theoretically. The predicted cosmological constant $\Lambda_{\mathrm{the}} = 1.093(65)\times 10^{-52}\mathrm{m}^{-2}$ is consistent with the observational value of the cosmological constant $\Lambda_{\mathrm{obs}}=1.088(30)\times 10^{-52}\mathrm{m}^{-2}$. The $\Omega(1)$ and $\Omega(2)$ substrata may be a possible candidate of the dark energy. According to VM, only those energy-momentum tensors of sinks in the $\Omega(0)$ substratum are permitted to act as the source terms in the generalized Einstein's equations. Thus, the zero-point energy of electromagnetic fields is not qualified for a source term in the generalized Einstein's equations.

        Speaker: Dr Xiao Song Wang
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        Discussion 7 (discussion leader V.A. Petrov)
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        Closing Address