2:30 PM
Four-Quark Nature of Light Scalar Mesons
Nikolay Achasov
(S.L. Sobolev Institute for Mathematics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia)
3:15 PM
New searches in the ATLAS experiment
Alexey Myagkov
(IHEP, Protvino)
4:15 PM
Representation of the RG-invariant quantities in perturbative QCD through powers of the conformal anomaly
Andrey Kataev
(INR, Moscow)
5:00 PM
Fractional Analytic QCD for space-like and time-like processes
Anatoli Kotikov
5:45 PM
Chiral effects in QCD and other theories
Zakhar Khaidukov
(NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow)
6:30 PM
Discussion 5 (discussion leader O.V. Teryaev)