M.Yu. Khlopov
22.11.2022, 13:50
Gravitation & Cosmology
Dmitry Gorbunov
(Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
22.11.2022, 14:30
Gravitation & Cosmology
Nikolay Krasnikov
(INR, Moscow)
22.11.2022, 15:30
Gravitation & Cosmology
Federico Lelli
(INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory)
22.11.2022, 16:10
Gravitation & Cosmology
After more than 40 years of observational, experimental, and theoretical efforts, the nature of dark matter (DM) remains unknown. In this talk I will review the observational status of the DM paradigm on galaxy scales. Remarkably, the rotation curves of disk galaxies reveal a close link between baryons' distribution and observed dynamics, which can be expressed by a set of empirical laws akin...