Meson condensation in chiral perturbation theory

12 нояб. 2020 г., 15:00
Non-zero isospin density and meson condensation Session 8: Non-zero isospin density and meson condensation


Prof. Massimo Mannarelli (INFN)


We discuss the properties of homogeneous and inhomogeneous meson condensates in the framework of chiral perturbation theory. We compare the results on the homogeneous pion condensate obtained in chiral perturbation theory with those of lattice QCD showing that there is good agreement for isospin chemical potentials up to about 2 m_\pi. Then, we turn to inhomogeneous phases, presenting the results obtained by a semi-analytical approach on solitonic-like structures.

Primary author

Prof. Massimo Mannarelli (INFN)

Presentation materials