Exploring axial U (1) restoration in a modified 2+1 flavor Polyakov quark meson model

11 янв. 2021 г., 12:30


Suraj Kumar rai (University of Allahabad)


Exploring axial U (1) restoration in a modified 2+1 flavor Polyakov
quark meson model
Suraj Kumar Rai a,∗ , Vivek Kumar Tiwari a
Department of Physics, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj,India,211002.
E-mail: surajrai050@gmail.com, vivekkrt@gmail.com
Topic(s): Strongly-interacting matter at finite temperature
Abstract: We report on the U A (1) symmetry restoration resulting due to temperature dependence of
the coefficient c(T ) for the Kobayashi-Maskawa-’t Hooft determinant (KMT) term in a modified 2+1 flavor
Polyakov loop quark meson model having fermionic vacuum correction term (PQMVT). Temperature depen-
dence of KMT coupling c(T ) drives the non-strange condensate melting to significantly smaller temperatures
in comparison to the constant c case. Further due to c(T ), m η 0 decreases from its vacuum value by 220 MeV
near T=176 MeV after the chiral transition (T c χ = 154.9 MeV). This is similar to the η 0 in-medium mass
drop of at least 200 MeV as reported by Csorgo and Vertesi in Ref [Csorgo, Vertesi], as an experimental
signature of the effective restoration of U A (1) symmetry. The pseudoscalar mixing angle θ p achieves anti-
ideal mixing in the influence of c(T ). The η meson becomes light quark system (η N S ) at T=176 MeV and
changes its identity with η 0 meson which becomes strange quark system (η S ). The degenerated temperature
variations of σ, π meson masses merges with the temperature variations of the masses of degenerated a 0 , η
mesons near 275 MeV. It means that for c(T ) when m σ = 400 MeV, the U A (1) restoration takes place at
1.75 T c χ =275 MeV.

Primary author

Suraj Kumar rai (University of Allahabad)

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