Pasta phase in hybrid hadron-quark stars

10 нояб. 2020 г., 12:30
QCD phase diagram in astrophysics Session 3: QCD phase diagram in astrophysics


Dr Konstantin Maslov (JINR)


We investigate the effect of the formation of the structured mixed phase (pasta phase) on the quark-hadron phase transition. The results of the full numerical solution with pasta phases are compared with those of an interpolating construction used in previous works, for which we demonstrate an adequate description of the numerical results. For each pair of RMF models for quark and hadron matter used in this work, we determined the critical value of the surface tension, above which the phase transition becomes close to the Maxwell construction. This result is applied to demonstrate the effect of pasta phases on the structure of hybrid compact stars and the robustness of a possible third family solution.

Primary author

Dr Konstantin Maslov (JINR)

Presentation materials