Discussion leader: Xu-Guang Huang
Chairperson: Xu-Guang Huang
We will discuss the interplay between the magnetic field and the rotation. In the presence of the external magnetic field the angular momentum conservation in a highly nontrivial way. As a demonstration we will show the simplest example of magnetic vortices. If the whole frame is rotated, the boundary condition is crucial not to violate the causality bound, and in this sense, vortices are...
We investigate the effect of rotation on chiral dynamics and gluodynamics
in the framework of NJL model and holography, respectively. We discuss the
effect of rotation on thermodynamical properties and phase structure.
The rotational (or vortical) effect is one of the central topics in quark-hadron systems, such as heavy-ion collision and neutron stars. For the relativistic rotating matter, the most important fact would be that the thermodynamic limit is ill-defined because of the causality constraint. In this talk, we discuss how the finiteness of system-size affects the low-energy structure of rotating...
I give a introductory talk about rotation in lattice field theory. I overview the formulation and its problem in relativistic and non-relativistic theories.
In this report we present the results of lattice study of how rotation influences confinement/deconfinement transition in SU(3) gluodynamics. To conduct this study we pass to the reference frame which rotates with the system under consideration. In this reference frame rotation is accounted for by the external gravitational field. We calculate the Polyakov loop, its susceptibility and...