Discussion leader: Oleg Teryaev
Chairperson: Oleg Teryaev
In this talk we discuss chiral magnetic effect - one of the most actively discussed macroscopic
manifestations of the chiral anomaly. One of the consequences of the chiral magnetic effect is the growth of the conductivity in magnetic field. We present results of the lattice measurements of the conductivity of quark-gluon plasma in external magnetic field, both in parallel and perpendicular...
We study the topological charge density and the chiral density correlations in the early stage of high energy nuclear collisions. Topological charge is related to the gauge invariant E · B where E and B denote the color-electric and color-magnetic fields, while the chiral density is produced via the chiral anomaly of Quantum Chromodynamics. We discuss how the correlation lengths are related to...
Helicity is a classically conserved quantity that can be used, in addition to and independently of the (vector) charge and chirality, to characterize thermodynamic ensembles of Dirac fermions. We demonstrate the existence of new nondissipative transport phenomena, helical vortical effects, that emerge in a helically-imbalanced rotating fermionic system. These phenomena lead to the appearance...
Heavy-ion physics: Interplay of statistical and field- theoretic approaches