Discussion leader: Igor Shovkovy
Chairperson: Alejandro Ayala
In this talk, we present an analysis performed within the Linear Sigma Model coupled to quarks, where the restoration of the chiral symmetry is studied both at finite temperature and baryon chemical potential in the presence of a constant in time and uniform magnetic field. The features of this transition are studied in the QCD phase diagram. We discuss the modification of the transition lines...
We discuss the properties of neutral mesons using effective models of QCD: Nambu-Jona--Lasinio (NJL) model and Linear Sigma model with quarks (Lsmq). We show that when accounting for the effects of the magnetic field on the model couplings, the neutral pion mass decreases monotonically as a function of the field strength. We find an excellent agreement with recent lattice QCD calculations,...
In this talk we review the topological properties and possible astrophysical consequences of a spatially inhomogeneous phase of quark matter, known as the Magnetic Dual Chiral Density Wave (MDCDW) phase, that can exist at intermediate baryon density in the presence of a magnetic field. Going beyond mean-field approximation, we show how linearly polarized electromagnetic waves penetrating the...
In this talk I will report on a new method to determine the magnetic susceptibility of thermal QCD matter on the lattice. The method employs current-current correlators evaluated at zero magnetic field, thereby circumventing problems of previous approaches related to magnetic flux quantization. Using the susceptibility, the equation of state at low magnetic fields is reconstructed and...
We address the question of the magnetic phase diagram of strong interactions, where chiral effective model descriptions show a different picture compared to lattice QCD results. We propose a physically motivated improvement scheme for effective models based on continuum extrapolated lattice data. We measured the magnetic field dependence of the baryon spectrum in full QCD simulations, which is...
I will review recent results on the effects of a magnetic background field on the confining properties of strong interactions and on the deconfinement phase transition