Jun 6 – 10, 2011
Europe/Moscow timezone

VISA Information

         There is a  list of personal data which are necessary to process the visa invitations for foreign participants of the XXXVII PANDA collaboration meeting which will be held in Protvino (Moscow region, Russian Federation) on June 6 to 10, 2011:

          - Copy of the passport first page (with photo and personal data).
          - Place of work (name of institution) and position.
          - Business address, daytime phone number and fax number.
          - Russian Consulate, in which participants will apply for the visa
            (name of the country and the city).
         Visa processing in Russia takes a considerable time. Since some time is also needed to send the original of the visa invitation to the foreign participant, and additional time is needed for him (her) to apply to the Russian Consulate in his (her) country, the dead-line to receive at IHEP all mentioned above personal data about the foreign participant is March 25 (Friday), 2011.
If some participants will send their personal data after March 25, 2011 till May 06, 2011 it is also possible to process visa invitation. However in this case their registration fee will be 160 EURO.
         All the required data should be sent by e-mail to:
Georgy Malitsky -   Georgy.Malitsky@ihep.ru 
Dmitry Morozov - Dmitry.Morozov@ihep.ru

or by FAX to IHEP number: +7 4967 744937

or as hardcopy by postal mail to:
Georgy Malitsky,
IHEP (Institute for High Energy Physics),
Pobeda street, building 1,
Protvino, Moscow region 142281,
Russian Federation.