3:30 PM
Hadron production on heavy-ion and pp collisions at the LHC with ALICE
Anton Andronic
4:00 PM
Making sense of Hydrodynamics with 50 particles
Giorgio Torrieri
(State University of Campinas (Unicamp),Brasil)
4:30 PM
Electromagnetic conductivity of quark-gluon plasma at non-zero baryon density
Victor Braguta
5:00 PM
The chiral phase transition for different numbers of quark flavours
Owe Philipsen
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
5:30 PM
Holographic nuclear matter with isospin asymmetry
Andreas Schmitt
6:00 PM
Relativistic formulation of spin hydrodynamics framework based on GLW spin and energy-momentum tensors.
Rajeev Singh
(Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
6:30 PM
Phase diagram of QCD with helically imbalanced quarks
Victor E. Ambrus
(Goethe University)
7:00 PM
Discussion 2
Giorgio Torrieri
(State University of Campinas)
8:00 PM
(Fabian Rennecke is not able to give a talk due to illness but uploaded pdf if you are interested) Moat Regimes and their Signatures in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Fabian Rennecke
(Justus Liebig University Giessen)