Current Status of the Odderon

25 июл. 2024 г., 10:15
Diffractive scattering Morning session 25/07/2024


Dr Mikhail Ryskin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)


Odderon is the C-odd amplitude which does not die out (or die very slowly) with energy. We consider the constrains on the Odderon properties and the
perturbative QCD odderon given at the lowest $\alpha_s$ order by the three gluon exchange. Then we discuss the experimental indications for the odderon
contribution to high energy proton-proton elastic scattering and some other processes in which the odderon may reveal itself.


ATLAS Collaboration, G. Aad et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 83, 441 (2023).

Odderon contribution in light of the LHC low-tt data ,
E.G.S. Luna, M.G. Ryskin, V.A. Khoze, e-Print:2405.09385 [hep-ph]

Primary author

Dr Mikhail Ryskin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)

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