Список участников

34 / 34
Vladimir Petrov (IHEP)
23.07.24, 9:20
Eduard Boos (SINP MSU)
23.07.24, 9:30
QCD (lattice, (non) perturbative, effective models)


Mikhail S. Lukashov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
23.07.24, 10:15
QCD (lattice, (non) perturbative, effective models)


Boris Ermolaev (Ioffe Institut)
23.07.24, 11:30
Strongly interacting (QCD) matter


Prof. Alexander Parkhomenko (Demidov State University, Yaroslavl)
23.07.24, 14:30
Strongly interacting (QCD) matter


Dr Alexey Martynenko (Samara State University)
23.07.24, 15:15
Strongly interacting (QCD) matter


Evgeni Kolomeitsev (BLTP JINR, Dubna, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica)
24.07.24, 14:30
QCD (lattice, (non) perturbative, effective models)


Семён Юрченко (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет)
24.07.24, 15:15
Strongly interacting (QCD) matter


Eugene Levichev (Budker INP)
24.07.24, 16:30
Experimental data on hadron physics


Victor Kim (NRC KI - PNPI, Gatchina)
25.07.24, 9:30
Diffractive scattering


Oleg Selyugin (JINR)
25.07.24, 11:30
Diffractive scattering


Petr Parfenov (JINR)
25.07.24, 12:15
Experimental data on hadron physics


Yuri Kharlov (IHEP)
25.07.24, 15:15
Experimental data on hadron physics


Zakhar Khaidukov (National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute",MIPT)
25.07.24, 16:30
QCD (lattice, (non) perturbative, effective models)


Mr Vladimir Petrov (IHEP)
25.07.24, 17:15
Historical aspects of strong interactions theory


Vladimir Petrov (IHEP)
25.07.24, 19:00
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