Gravitation & Cosmology
History, philosophy, methodology
General Quantum Field Theory
Modern fundamental physics poses new questions to philosophy, which not only do not
have answers yet, but, rather, are not noticed by philosophy of science. This presentation
formulates a number of such questions in order to present them to the attention, first of all,
of professional philosophers. A rough list of the main themes is as follows: 1) Irreducible
uncertainty of cosmological data...
Quantum computers have the potential for theoretical and experimental high-energy physics. In this talk, I will briefly describe the history of the quantum computers (hardware and software), and discuss how we can use the quantum computer's power for our research for elementary particle physics as Feynman predicted in 1981.
In his book Something Deeply Hidden Sean Carroll defends the Everettian concept of a branching multiverse and in doing so makes some contradictory statements about the nature of the quantum wavefunction. He writes: “What the World Is Made Of: a quantum wave function” and “wave functions are superpositions of different possibilities” and “Wave functions may be real but they’re undeniably...
In this talk, I will show that equilibrium dynamics of trainable variables (e.g. bias vector or weight matrix) in an artificial neural network can be approximated by Madelung equations if the quantum phase is identified with the free energy of non-trainable variables (e.g. state vector of neurons). In addition, if the number of active neurons changes, then the free energy is multivalued and...
Researchers working in lattice field theory constitute an
established community since the early 1990s, and around the same time the online open-access e-print repository arXiv was
created. The fact that this field has a specific arXiv section,
hep-lat, provides a unique opportunity for a statistical study of
its evolution over the last three decades.
We present data for the number of entries,...
Discussion leader
V.A. Petrov (NRC KI - Logunov IHEP, Protvino)