28 ноября 2023 г. to 1 декабря 2023 г.
Europe/Moscow timezone

Fundamental physics asks philosophers new questions

1 дек. 2023 г., 13:45
History, philosophy, methodology Afternoon session 1/12/2023


Dr Alexander Panov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State Univesity)


Modern fundamental physics poses new questions to philosophy, which not only do not
have answers yet, but, rather, are not noticed by philosophy of science. This presentation
formulates a number of such questions in order to present them to the attention, first of all,
of professional philosophers. A rough list of the main themes is as follows: 1) Irreducible
uncertainty of cosmological data (cosmic variance) and the meaning of theoretical
cosmology; 2) Epistemological status of the concept of Multiverse and other universes in
cosmology; 3) Ensemble meaning of measurement in quantum theory and the operational
status of quantum macrostates; 4) Quantum gravity and the wave function of the universe
as a special case of quantum macrostates; 5) The meaning of the concept of physical
reality in the Max Tegmark principle of mathematical democracy; 6)
Application of the item 5 to the physical meaning of string theory.

Information on the subject:

Fundamental physics asks philosophers new questions
A.D. Panov

Related papers

A.D. Panov. On Methodological Problems in Cosmology and Quantum Gravity. Russian
Studies in Philosophy, V.49, No.3, 2011, P.72-92.
A. Panov. The Structure of Reality, or Where to Find the Final Theory? Philosophy and
Cosmology. Volume 19, 2017, P. 74-94
А.Д. Панов. Природа математики, космология и структура реальности: объективность
мира математических форм. В кн.: Космология, физика, культура. Под ред. В.В.
Казютиского. М.: ИФ РАН, 2011. С. 191-219.
А.Д. Панов. Природа математики, космология и структура реальности: физические
основания математики. В кн.: Метавселенная, пространство, время. Под ред. В.В.
Казютиского (отв. ред.), Е.А. Мамчур, А.Д. Панова, В.Д. Эрекаева. М.: ИФ РАН, 2013.
С. 74-103.

Presentation materials