Modern fundamental physics poses new questions to philosophy, which not only do not
have answers yet, but, rather, are not noticed by philosophy of science. This presentation
formulates a number of such questions in order to present them to the attention, first of all,
of professional philosophers. A rough list of the main themes is as follows: 1) Irreducible
uncertainty of cosmological data (cosmic variance) and the meaning of theoretical
cosmology; 2) Epistemological status of the concept of Multiverse and other universes in
cosmology; 3) Ensemble meaning of measurement in quantum theory and the operational
status of quantum macrostates; 4) Quantum gravity and the wave function of the universe
as a special case of quantum macrostates; 5) The meaning of the concept of physical
reality in the Max Tegmark principle of mathematical democracy; 6)
Application of the item 5 to the physical meaning of string theory.
Information on the subject:
Fundamental physics asks philosophers new questions
A.D. Panov
Related papers
A.D. Panov. On Methodological Problems in Cosmology and Quantum Gravity. Russian
Studies in Philosophy, V.49, No.3, 2011, P.72-92.
A. Panov. The Structure of Reality, or Where to Find the Final Theory? Philosophy and
Cosmology. Volume 19, 2017, P. 74-94
А.Д. Панов. Природа математики, космология и структура реальности: объективность
мира математических форм. В кн.: Космология, физика, культура. Под ред. В.В.
Казютиского. М.: ИФ РАН, 2011. С. 191-219.
А.Д. Панов. Природа математики, космология и структура реальности: физические
основания математики. В кн.: Метавселенная, пространство, время. Под ред. В.В.
Казютиского (отв. ред.), Е.А. Мамчур, А.Д. Панова, В.Д. Эрекаева. М.: ИФ РАН, 2013.
С. 74-103.